
Recently went off BCP's - Bloated!!!?

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I was on the pill for about 11 years, and recently went off. I was prepared for most side effects ~ oily skin, a few breakouts. Shockingly, my period has been on time and normal from the first month being off BCP, but I've gotten horribly bloated pretty much immediately. I was not expecting this side effect. My clothes don't fit, my rings are tight. It sucks and make me wonder if I should go back on them.

I'm 31 and getting married next year, and started having complications from the BCP (irregular period) and decided to give my body a break from it.

I'm in my third cycle being BCP free.

Has anyone else experienced this? Did it go away?

Thanks so much for your reply's!




  1. Sounds like you are retaining fluids. I'd tell you to use some herbal supplements.. but frankly, that's like going off one drug for yet another.  Maybe just drink dandelion tea.... and if you cna stand it... perhaps supplement with potassium from you rloal health food store. This helps improve your circulation.... and lower your fluid retention.

  2. Its water weight.  Drink more water to DEBloat.  Eat light. Eat fruits veggies salad and salmon.  You will be a mean machine in that 2 piece then too.

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