
Reception weeks after wedding?

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My fiance' and I are getting married on the beach...just the two of us. We plan on having a small informal brunch reception 3 weeks later. My question is, how far in advance should we begin planning the reception and when should we send out the invitations? How much time should we give guests to RSVP?




  1. Dear Rae-Rae, there are so many unanswered items here that need answering before I could give my sweet little opinion.  For example, after your wedding, are you planning on a honeymoon?  Will you be at home to receive the RSVPs?  How much will you need to do to arrange the brunch?  Most people send out invitations 4 to 6 weeks in advance.  But, I need to know who the people will RSVP to.  You won't want to be dealing with all that during your honeymoon, you know.  Do you have a mama or daddy that will help you?

  2. What a great way to start your new life together - I love that idea! Well, if it is going to be 3 weeks after the wedding - you'll want to get the invitations out at least 2 weeks before the wedding so you're not stressing out with that and your wedding day at the same time. If you give 4-5 weeks that allows for people out of town to make plans if they want to. The important thing is not to stress yourself out and if you do this after the wedding - there won't be enough time for people to make plans.

  3. My sister did pretty much the same thing.  Announcements and invites went out the day after the wedding.  (It was i think 5 weeks between ceremony & party).  They were all addressed and ready to go the day before.  They had 3 weeks to RSVP.

    You say small and informal so maybe give them until a week after your wedding.  Of course it depends on when you have to have final numbers in (if you're having it catered), if you'll be home to receive RSVP's (honeymoon, moving, etc) and how much time you think you'll need to get it all put together.

    Congrats & good luck

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