
Recevied a garnishment summons...what happens next?

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I mailed in my 'answer' and that answer is that I am not currently employed.

It is just a credit card bill for $600, can anyone tell me what may happen next?

The instructions didn't say what to do if you were unemployed.

Thanks for any advice.




  1. A garnishee order is issued by the court so a set amount of money is automatically taken out of your wage and paid to the financier.

    You would or should have received a summons to appear in court before the order was issued. Did you ignore it? or not receive it?

    You say you mailed in your answer? was this in reply to the summons. ?

    You need to contact the Court house where the order was issued from and let them know that you are unemployed and make arrangements for the Minimal amount to be paid each month. Mow a few lawns and pay $20 a fortnight if that is all you can afford, if you are receiving unemployment benefits then you still need to pay a nominal amount to show good faith.

    If you default on a garnishee order you will receive a summons to appear in court again and the judge will take a dim view if you have made no effort to pay anything,

    If you ignore the situation an order can be made for the sheriff to seize household items to be auctioned to recover the money and you don't need that on your credit record.

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