
Recieved Medicines From Mexico, Need To Know What They Are???

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Recieved Medicines from Mexico and these are the names of them, PIROXICAM [ my friend said this was a pain medication], SOLDRIN OTICO [ this medication is for ear aches], & DESFLAM [ this medication is for swelling]. I would like to make sure, and since I do not speak Spanish or read spanish, I wanted to ask for help. I would like to know what the English name for each of these medicines are, what they are used for, and any other information anyone can share with me. Thank you all in advance, its so much appreciated.




  1. Why are you receiving medicine from Mexico?

    Sound pretty shady to me if you don't know what they are for!

  2. piroxicam- piroxicam an nsaid like ibuprofen (motrin)

    soldrin otico- dexamethasone and neomycin

    desflam-Bumadizone calcium used for swelling of soft tissue

  3. From Wikipedia ...."Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, primary dysmenorrhoea, postoperative pain; and act as an analgesic, especially where there is an inflammatory component. It is manufacturerd by Pfizer under the tradename Feldene, and is available in the Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom and Flag of the United States United States.

    It is also used in veterinary medicine to treat certain neoplasias expressing cyclooxygenase (COX) receptors, such as bladder, colon, and prostate cancers.

    Other brand names for Piroxicam include "Brexidol", "Brexin", "Erazon", "Felden", "Feldoral", "Hotemin", "Pirox von ct", "Proponol", "Reumador", "Veral", and "Vurdon".

    [edit] Mechanism of action

        Main article: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

    Piroxicam is an NSAID and, as such, is a non-selective COX inhibitor possessing both analgesic and antipyretic properties. It undergoes entero-hepatic circulation."

  4. See 1st site for Piroxicam. Soldrin is thibendazole...see 2nd site. desflam is bumadizona an anti inflamatory used for arthritis and orthpedic injuries...see 3rd is a lousy translation, but you can get the drift.  It is sold only in mexico and Europe.  The other 2 are sold in the  U.S.  You should not take any of them without clearing it through you own doc to be safe ...due to possible interactions with other meds or side effects depending on other health problems you may have.

  5. what I would do is look at the box and see the active ingredients and then go on and see for your self what they do, this way you'll be a 100 percent sure............just my two cents :)

  6. i dont know try it with a tecate see if they work

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