
Recieving AP scores early by reliable?

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I found out my score on the AP European Test that I took in May by phone this morning. How reliable is this? For some reason, I'm just extremely nervous that my grade is going to be considerably lower than what I heard on the phone this morning...Am I just being paranoid or is there a chance that the robot on the phone could be wrong?




  1. yeah, there always a chance that  robot would be wrong. but then again, what wouldn't. your score will be the same no matter how you recieve it.

    anyway, the chance for a robot is wrong is really tinliy small. you tell robot your SSN or identification number and a computer search it database and bring it up. It pretty simple.

  2. I jsut got mien today by phoen and its fine

    you just have to type in your student # thats on the packt they give you with the stickers in it and your DOB

    the # is 888-308-0031

    Goood luck :)

  3. Go to collegeboard's site. That will be reliable info.

  4. Get your grade in writing. If they say you can't, tell them to show you the written legal policy that states  you can't get your grades in writing.

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