
Reckless, noisy driving, what for?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious ; what is the reason for reckless driving styles, and tire screeching? There is allot of this especially at night, or at 2 AM. What I'm talking about is taking your dog for a nice quiet walk, getting your child to sleep, siting outside in the yard and enjoying a conversation, or trying to get to sleep yourself to get up early, and here comes this crazy wacko squealing around the corner through the neighborhood making sure everyone hears his/her loud stereo, grinding engine, and super loud exhaust system, along with those burning screeching tires, usually speeding and weaving through the streets. I wonder what is going on in the minds of these people who choose to drive this way? By the way,don't they rack up allot of wear and tear on their cars?




  1. There is nothing going on in their minds, that's the scary part.

    they have no sense outside of themselves.

    those are usually the types of people that cry when things go wrong for them.They are their own worst enemy.

  2. It's about ego and show off. They don't think about how they disturb others, they only think about themselves and being seen and heard by others like them. It's also a way of showing a picture of being wealthy. The cars, car stereos and the rest of the equipment costs a lot and it's a status symbol. To be able to pay for the wear and tear and fix the things that breaks is part of the show off.  

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