
Recoding vocals and guitar on pc through line-out - HELP!?

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Please bear with me because I am new to this, but i cant find any help on the internet. I downloaded Kristal (recording studio) and have been recording guitar through an effects pedal into the line-in on the pc. BUT when i record vocals through the same line in the volume is much much quieter - i can barely hear the vocals, even without the guitars on there. Ive tried putting the mike direct into the line-in and i've tried putting the mike through the pedal with the volume up and still no luck. Im using my old vocal mike - sm58. Can anyone help me?? Thanks!





    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,and you can aslo get your question answer in Google Search in this website, which has already helped me very much.

  2. The problem is that a guitar runs at what's called a Line level and a Microphone runs at Mic Level.  A line level does not need any boost or volume increase so that is why it is sounding alright on your computer.  A microphone on the other hand needs what's called a "Pre Amp" or a "Mic Pre" to boost it's signal to make it loud enough for things like the computer to hear it.  There are tons of Pre's on the market.  What i would suggest is getting one that has a 1/4inch line in as well as a XLR in.  This will enable you to use the pre for the microphone or the guitar. You will get a much better signal for both and you will be able to control the level much better than if you were to just plug in directly to the computer.   One example of an inexpensive pre that will work for both is the "Studio Projects VTB1".  There are plenty of others to chose from, but i have one of these and they work great for what you pay for them.  All you need to do is plug your mic into this and then run a cable from the pre into the computer and your all set!

      One last thing about the guitar, you will get a much better tone is you put the microphone up to the guitar amp speaker and record it into the computer than if you go directly from your effect pedal.  Give it a try and see how it sounds, after you get a pre of course.

       Hope that helps!

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