
Recommend a few money-making jobs?

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I'm 15, and lately I've been thinking about job opportunities for me in the future... I realize that there will be at least 30 jobs that run through my head at this age, haha,...but...I'm just wanting some advice and help. I most likely will NOT go to a 4+ year college, simply because I HATE math, I would probably be able to get into my community college, though. So, what kind of jobs out there do not require any complicated math or require me to go to a 4+ year college? I'm sort of a shy person, I have a good personality, according to all of my friends. I don't mind talking to a few people at once...but I'm very shy in groups of people that I'm not familiar with. I love to sit down and just think about certain things. Remember, though, I'm horrible with math. A few jobs I've thought about are: psychologist, real estate, etc..things like that. I would love to have a nice income for my family, for when I have one in the future. I don't want to be working in some low-pay job.




  1. I've been there before.  We all have.  I'm 25 and just now figuring out what to do with my life.  Why don't you try becoming a freelance writer?  Are you good at writing?  Maybe you could try internet marketing?  There are many self employ opportunities out there including things most people have never thought of.   You could also try to buy a lot of items at gov. auctions for very low prices and then turn around and sell them much more.  Many people are doing that these days as well...

  2. you could be a realtor.. or a legal aid (kind of like an assistant to a lawyer one of my friends works for a prominant lawyer and makes good money and she doesnt have a college degree.)  or be a personal assistant to someone with a lot of money.. thats all i can come up with right now

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