
Recommend a good book?

by Guest56094  |  earlier

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i just finished Stephen King's Duma Key and I really enjoyed it. Any books you can recommend that are sort of like that..well written with suspense but not too horrific?




  1. Again not in the Same genre But excellent, and a bit suspenseful.

    Wicked: The life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Don't remember the Author.

  2. Battle Royale by Roushun Takami. Japanese kids(just graduated) drugged and taken to an island where they have to kill each other. Only one student can live and they only have three days. But the two main characters are in love!

    It's a fantastic story!!! It's also a movie(with a sequel). But the book has a lot more. It's kind of horror and romance(but not like sappy). And I thought it was rather humorous at parts... It was more like a twisted funny though... Maybe something's just wrong with me. I don't think it was meant to me funnny...

    Anyways! Amazing book!!! Please read it!!!!!

  3. False Memory recommended by Chiquita is written by Dean Koontz. I would also recommend many of the books of Dean Koontz - he writes a lot of different genres from horror to supernatural to sci-fi and includes good doses of humor in most of his books.

    My favorites are Watchers and Odd Thomas, which have some suspense. If you are looking for a little more suspense, then books like The Husband, The Good Guy, Velocity and Intensity might be more to your liking. I would also recommend Life Expectancy.

    He writes a little something for everyone, so I am sure you can find something of his to your liking.

  4. twilight saga by stephenie meyer (:

    it is a romance/suspense and excellent !

  5. False memory-I can't remember the author

  6. Hi Jen....can I recommend a good book?  I love to read...or listen to a good book.  I haven't read Duma Key yet but I really liked Stephen King's book Cell...although is a bit violent at times...ok lots of times...but it's good.   I'd be glad to let you borrow any of mine off my bookshelves if you lived closer.

    As for good books I highly recommend the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. series I have ever read...peroid!  Another series by LaHaye is the Babylon Rising books (4 so far).  My favorite author right now is Dean Koontz (simular to King but with less of the bs).  You can't go wrong with any of these....Velocity, Dark Rivers of the Heart, Dragon Tears, The Taking, The Face, Tick Tock or Intensity (although it is a bit intense and have moments that aren't for everyone).   Or try Ridley Pearson:  Hidden Charges, Blood of the Albatross, or Never Look Back....they are suspenseful and really good.  If you haven't read Deception Point by Dan Brown ( the guy who wrote The Divinci Code) it's also a good action story.  Or if you want just a bit of terror with your stories try Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.  They wrote Relic and it's sequel Reliquary (one of my top 5 books EVER), and Riptide (my favorite book).   James Patterson is surprisingly entertaining too:  The Jester (awesome!) and Honeymoon are good suspense novels.  If you want to laugh out loud while dodging bullets  Paul Levine is the way to go...To Speak for the Dead and 9 Scorpions are funny and action packed.  Oh yeah...Desmond Bagley...he's English but he is good...High Citidel, The Vivero Letter, Tightrope Men (Man?) Or Stephen Hunter's Dirty White Boys, Hot Springs, Pale Horse Coming (in my top 5) , The Day Before Midnight, The Master Sniper.  Or if you want some hardcore horror try Off Season and the sequel Off Spring by Jack Ketchum.  Now hit your library up and let me know how you like any of these.  Take care.  :)

  7. Try Firestarter by King! This is an excellent King book and is is more of a thriller than horror.

  8. From your description, I think you'd like Ryan Callaway's "Yearly Harvest".  It's a good, entertaining, and dramatic read.  You can really get into the characters (I kind of miss them, lol), and it is a lot more suspense than horror.  It's definitely not a gorefest or anything like that.  I'm sure you'd enjoy it.

  9. these two books are not in the same genre that you asked about but very good none the less:

    "Rain of Gold" by Victor Villasenor

    "the poisonwood bible" -can't remember the author
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