
Recommend any college?

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Im a senior and its so hard to find a college thats best for anyone recommend any college for me to look onto

..i want to major in the music business and music so any college with those two majors is a must ..thanks




  1. yale would be the best  =]

  2. Try to use college search programs.  Your high school counselor should have a list that you can use.  Popular ones are and  If you want to find the "best" colleges that offer those specific majors, then check out Rugg's Recommendation on the Colleges and the Gourman Report (both books that should be in your local library).

    I am a school counselor and have worked with hundreds of students and parents.  The same questions about how to find the right college or plan for college keep coming up or how to find a career.  I decided to set up some online classes (self paced) to answer many of your questions and activities to help in the process.  My site is located at and type in my name "Kerrie."

  3. yale

  4. off the top of my head i can't think of any but the first thing u can do is look up the profiles of some local state schools.
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