Hello. I listened some great songs lately.
These songs were most folklore. For example:
"Sivasin yollarina, cikayim daglarina, birak vurayim beni, ölüm zoruma gitmez".
I search for songs that are like the song above mentioned. My mother always watches shows on Kanal 7, where they are cooking, haveing fun and always singing. Sometimes i hear them singing in TV when I am in the kitchen and eating, and those kind of songs pleases me. But i never know any song title.
Please recommend some folklore songs. Preferentially sung by a woman's voice.
You can also recommend me "modern" songs. In "modern" songs I like for example:
Yildiz Tilbe - Delikanlim
Yildiz Tilbe - Cabuk olalim askim
Sükriye Tutkun - Gücüm yetene kadar
In the end, it does not matter, what you recommend either folklore/modern sung by man/woman. The main point is that the recommended songs have potential to be one of my favourite songs.
Thank you very much.