
Recommend me a surname?

by  |  earlier

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I am seriously thinking of changing my surname. ( long story), but only for about 5 years ( don't bother to ask).

I do not like my mothers maiden name as it is very unusual.

I want a nice surname, that does not stand out to much, nor do i want a plain one like, brown/price/jones/williams etc etc

How shall I pick a surname?




  1. The name of a color is always a godd surname.....Ms. Blue?

  2. The choice seems clear.  Dahl.  Barbie Dahl.

  3. phipps - i like my name

  4. Something which has meaning for you and represents your heritage.  Borrow from someone you admire or look back through your family tree til you find something you like

  5. How about Lloyd? That's a nice last name.

  6. Snape.

  7. When people first started using surnames, the name might be a profession, a characteristic, or the place a person lived. (Usually, common people named themselves after their professions or after their fathers. Aristocracy named themselves after wherever they held power. They were usually "of" or "from" some place.)  

    Try one of the following surnames:







  8. I think Lady Sindy Suckum Smythe III has a nice ring to it, as do you old girl. Tip top.

  9. The easiest way to change a name is to get married to a man, otherwise i would not change it and here is why.

    Your name comes from a long line of people and whether you like it or not if you change it this way its telling all the above you are turning your back on their love, history, and traditions. Some up the pike you may not like but its a deep part of you.

    I take a while and really think before you make this permanent decision on that you May easily regret the rest of your life.

    Email me or IM me i like to chat further.

    I hope this helps.

  10. 1) Google "frequently occurring last names from the 1990 US Census" or else click on the following link that gives the frequency of surnames in the United States (many of which are of English, Welsh, Irish, or Scottish origin):

    Then pick a surname that goes with your ethnicity and personality.  

    2)  Research your family's history and use a name from several generations back.  For example, my last name is Smith, but I can come up with lots intriguing possibilities if I go back several generations.

    3) Marry.  LOL

  11. If possible, you could change some letters of your current surname to create something that is more to your liking. That way you can change your surname, without entirely abandoning your current one.

    Alternatively, you could pick another surname that has a similar meaning as your current one, but which sounds a bit  more common.

    You could also see what kind of surnames your ancestors had (such as your grandmother's maiden name) and go with that.

  12. i am sorry dear sir name follows your ancestral inheritance. first name you can choose and change. now it is your choice. do what so ever you wish

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