
Recommendation letter?

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I'm a junior. I'll be in another school in another state for my senior year. College applications begin in Nov. and that's not enough time to get to know teachers down there. So, I need to get my recommendation letter and everything up here.

I do not know what college I want to go to or even what I want to major in. Supposedly that is very important for the teacher to know before they start :/ Some colleges on my list require recommendation letters, so I'm getting one just in case. Also, my GPA isn't too impressive. It's about a 3.2. What do I do if my teacher asks me about this & the college?

The teacher I want to ask is my Algebra 2 teacher. I had an A+ in her class 2nd & 3rd quarter, she gave me student of the month once, and I have homework in everyday and pass every test w/ a high score. She doesn't know what I do outside of class, except when I was excused to leave for a track meet.

Will the teacher have letterhead paper and will I be able to make copies if I need some




  1. No do not make copies..just give the orignal its always better.

  2. You're sweating the small stuff & worrying too much.  The teacher has probably done this before & if you explain you circumstances she should be able to write an acceptable recommendation letter  that is generic, but gives enough detail about your qualifications as a good student.

    Be honest with your teacher when you ask for the letter & request that it be done on school letterhead if that's what you want.  Once you get the letter, it will be yours to make as many copies of as you want.  In the age of the pc, however, I would think teachers may do this electronically.
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