
Recommended Hotels in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)?

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Hi, can anyone recommend a reasonably priced and good hotel in Ho Chi Minh City? Location must be good. Thanks! =)




  1. you can check this website out. good luck.

  2. There are a lot of hotels, inns, motels in Vietnam.  You don't have to stay in the "famous" hotel.  You can find a place for under $20 a night in Vietnam.  Just go to vietnam and look around there is a lot of signs.

  3. There are tons of hotels around District 1 costing anywhere from 10USD up to several hundred.

    The backpacker area, Pham Ngu Lao, has lots of choice and a huge variety of standards.

    The location is also central and has plenty of places to eat, drink and is still close to Ben Thanh Markets and remainder of the Central area.

    Have a great trip!

  4. Hello. Welcome to vietnam!

    I'm working for 5 star hotel in Ho Chi Minh city now. I recommend you staying in my hotel, it named: "RENAISSANCE HOTEL RIVERSIDE SAIGON".

    It located in City center. with a beautiful riverview (many people love it). The service is good. The price from 165++

    Hope to see you in my hotel!!!

    Enjoy your trip!

  5. I would go to and see their reviews on hotels. It is a great site to check on hotels and sites from everywhere.   Also this site is Vietnamese and lists most of the reasonably priced hotels

    Good luck and have a great time.  Cheers C

  6. The website (below) provides lots of info, and different ranges of prices, locations, and "stars".

    Here are 2, that you may like: (A bit more expensive than the Empress Hotel ^_^)

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