
Recommended PDA?

by  |  earlier

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Im looking to buy a PDA and I was wondering which brand and/or type you would recommend. It doesnt have to be anything fancy, just one that I can use for organizing dates, appointments and my schedule and possibly have internet on it but I dont want one that is a cell phone.

If you can just let me know the pros and cons of the one you recomend. Thanks so much!




  1. How about an iPod Touch? i know its not really a PDA but, it has internet, music ,video, a touchscreen, and with a brand like apple you know your buying quality, and its only about 200$

  2. Well, there's acutually a lot of PDAs now. There are the Palm treo Brand that I personally reccomend. Then the iPod  Touch, both cost about the same, but the treo E2 Tungsten -($172-199) and I THINK the TX Tungsten don't play music. E2- No Internet No Music

    - Cheaper, Worth it, Stores a year or so of dates and appointments

    TX- Just no Music- EXSPENSIVE- About $199-275

    -Stores up to two years of dates and appointments, Internet, (Where Avail.) and Plenty of space.

    Touch- Depending on location, About as much as TX, but it does much more, but more music = LESS appointment space.

    That's all I will reccomend and I hope you decide the right one that fits!

  3. i own a PalmOne T|X. and it is pretty useful and convenient.

    i'll give you the list of what you can do with it:

    Microsoft word

    Microsoft Excel

    Microsoft Powerpoint

    pTunes (plays music)

    Plays video

    You can store photos

    Internet capable

    Email setup

    Task (use this to list all the task you need to do on a certain date)




    SMS (connect your cell phone and you'll receive your messages in your PDA)

    Expenses (use it to list all of your expense every single day)

    World Clock


    Alert for appointments



    Dialer (you can dial your phone thru your PDA)




    wide touch screen

    expandable memory (so you dont have to worry slowing down your T|X with lots of musics files and video/movie clips)

    and alot more...

    i've been using this for 3 years now. and it is still usefull to me.


    i just want to make a comment with brandon's answer that he mentioned T|X doesnt play music. well i guess he's wrong with that (why would they put a headphone jack if it doesnt play music? and why would they put a speaker at the back of T|X if it doesnt play music?). T|X does have pTunes which will let you play music. and if you dont like pTunes to play your music you're welcome to download and install a new software that can play your music files. but pTunes comes installed with your T|X already. it cost me 299 dollars for my T|X but it's worth every penny.
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