
Recommended Study Tips?

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I am wondering how to study for a test in any subject (math, science, history, etc...). What method would be reccomended. I would like to do well this year by getting A's on my tests (or at least most of them). Please answer!




  1. When you take notes leave the left margin empty. When you review your notes with the book, put a number in the left margin 1,2,3 etc next to the main ideas. Then on a blank paper, put the corresponding number and make a question out of the sentences in your notes and the book. Then use these practice test you make to study from.

    example:         1     A) There are four things to make a fire.

                                      1.) fuel

                                      2.) heat

                                      3.) oxygen

                                      4.) chemical chain reaction

                    1. What is needed to make a fire?

                    1. Name two things needed for combustion?

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