
Recommended transportation from venice italy airport to hotels?

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i've heard there are water shuttles and buses which are better, faster cheaper




  1. Depend!! If your hotel is in center of venice, water shuttles is better (but expansive); Bus can bring You only at the beginning of Venice then You must walk or take water bus..

    I suggest to call hotel and ask if they have some transport from airport..

  2. can't beat train for price and service. still need to connect via waterbus for last couple miles.

    water taxi is very expensive. only makes sense if you have large group or mega luggage

  3. those work, but sometimes a taxi ain't bad either.  i visited venice and i ended up walking to my hotel from the train station.  it took a while.  maybe you can take a taxi to the water shuttle station and continue from there...

  4. That depends on the location of your hotel and your budget.  The chic method, especially if your hotel is on the Lido is by water taxi.  The best hotels have private boats they can send to pick you up.  Water taxis are direct and depending on your hotel the faastest way, but they are very expensive.  If your hotel is not directly on a canal you will need additional assistance, a bus might get your closer to your accomodations with less hassle.  the bus will take longer, but it will be much cheaper..

  5. I walked to my hotel from the train station, it was not too bad.  Depending on the amount of luggage you have.  I would reccomend contacting your hotel for their prefered method of transportation.  

    Also, the glass blowing place is Murano NOT Milano (italian for Milan).  I also reccomend the Murano, Burano, Torcello tour.  It is very interesting and visit Lido for the beach!!

  6. been a few years but by far the shuttle.......water buses........same thing and the are great and well used to people with luggage, if they Ive you a hand with them please tip, not many people used to and its usually young men working for just the tips.

    Have a GREAT time I loved Venice and make sure you take a trip milano [where all the glass is blown] still have one or two treasures from there.

  7. The water bus  5.00 eu is the cheapest.  A taxi can cost you upward of 40.00

    Everything is nickle and dime... Even for the bathrooms. FYI Use the bars...LOL

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