
Reconstructive foot surgery?

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Okay this might sound confusing but here it goes. I'm flatfooted and I walk on the inside of my feet. I went to a podiatrist and she said that the inside of my foot where the arch is is completely crushed. I can't stand or walk for long periods of time without my feet killing me and doing simple activities like running or jumping puts me in agonizing pain. My podiatrist said I could either get orthopedic inserts for my shoes or a surgery that would reconstruct my arch and make me walk correctly. I have heard many good and bad things about both but I've mainly heard the inserts don't help so I'm really considering the surgery. I'm only 14 and my doctor said the choice is up to me. Has anyone had a surgery like this? Was it effective? Or has anyone got the inserts? Were they effective? Thanks




  1. My hair dresser just did the surgery and she wishes she would have done it when she is younger. Do it now while you have medical insurance to cover it.  You will have better healing time since youre younger. Plus being in pain all the time causes problems in the body.

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