
Record snowfall in Ann Arbor?

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what happened to GW????

IPCC agrees world not actually any warmer than ten years ago???

huh?? whats going on??,25197,23411799-7583,00.html




  1. Hey Im from Ann Arbor or atleast was. Go Blue but what I understand is global warming makes shifts in wind and water currents on earth mainly just redistributing the climates, which could make some places colder and others warmer. During the middle ages north America got warmer and melted glaciers causing more fresh water to spill into the Atlantic which messed up the warm current to Europe and made it cold.

    The fact the earth is getting warmer is nothing new at all, climates on earth change constantly, and also the biggest effect it could have on humanity is migration.

    Global warming is happening its just whether or not carbon emissions is causing the warming. I think its just a natural fluctuation caused by our position in the solar system. I mean the coldest time in earths history also had the highest carbon to nitrogen oxygen ratio.

    Yet I still support dumb people like Al Gore b/c we need to find a renewable source for energy to allow America more political and economic flexibility.

    I like the Hydrogen idea with the only emissions are H2O, but who knows what climate effects that would have considering water vapor hold way more heat then Carbon. But yeah maybe Michigan wont get hotter but the rest of the world will, and that's apart of the earths natural climate fluctuations.

    I mean Hey the Sahara Desert is only 10'000 years old! When the Egyptians chilled there i bet it was more Fertile.

    The earths climate is effected by so many factors to unmeasurable degrees, its impossible to predict and understand. But Maybe one day we will, but I bet before that we will be vacationing on Europa!

  2. Ann Arbor is only one area.

    Check out Record Lows - WORLDWIDE:

    It must be hard for Alarmists to swallow this much cold - Freezes up in their throats.   Heh Heh !

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