
Recording with Sky+ HD???

by  |  earlier

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Ok Im getting in Sky+ HD and I know I can record 2 channels at the same time while only watchin 1 of these channels,but I also have a Hard Disk Drive Recorder & Im wondering can I record straight onto that with 1 Sky channel & still watch another channel on the sky box itself?

Because there is 2 feeds going into the Sky + HD box can they be found on 2 seperate channels on the recorder?

If this is the case then it will work for me. The reason I ask is because there is certain things that I record maybe I will want to keep them for longer periods of time.

Has anyone else done this?

Thanks for your help!




  1. the only way you can record all 3 (2 recording as normal) and the one u are watching is.. use the scart out.. instead of plugging that on back of telly plug that o back of the HDD recorder then have that plugged in to the telly..  but why would you wanna record all this at the same time ??

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