
Recover from long runs faster?

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I am 17 years old and training for a marathon in October, so I run four days a week. I also figure skate four-five times a week and swim (at a very leisurely pace) three-four times a week, but I always take Sunday off.

I know that there's no way to magically shake off a long run, but do you have any tips for recovering faster?




  1. A protein drink right after you exercise helps, so does getting massage regularly.

  2. This may sound incredibly strange, but very true. The #1 drink for a quick recovery is...low fat chocolate milk. This sounds very obscure, doesn't it? It has been scientifically proven to help the body recover 50x faster than any other option!

    If you don't believe me then look it up, but I'm just saving you the trip. Remember though, make sure to drink LOW FAT chocolate milk. Oh, and plain milk doesn't cut it. CHOCOLATE.

  3. walk it off and put your hands on top of your head, this helps your lungs to expand and helps your catch your breath.

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