Every night I keep having weird dreams that really mean nothing at all, But one of these dreams include one or two that are recurring every night. It's not the SAME dream but they all end up the same way.
A) starts out with me away from my husband and being with some other person, sexually.
B) I try to call my husband on the phone, and my fingers can't touch the numbers, or the phone is too slippery - either way this WHOLE part of this dream is me trying to get a hold of my Husband
C) My husband ends up leaving me for another woman, or dating two women at the same time, it's usually a co-worker.
Actually its ALWAYS a co-worker.
I noticed that before my husband joined the army, I always had "adultery" dreams. After He joined, I NEVER had these dreams.
And now that I found out he's getting out.. ( Which we're so excited about ) These dreams came back.every night.
I know that when you're pregnant your hormones make you have crazy dreams. I read on alot online. I know ALOT about dreams.
I know what these dreams mean, but this isn't what I need to know.
PLEASE help me get rid of them. I'm so tired of them.
I hate going to sleep at night. I'm so over it.
PS. My husband and I are perfect now, nothing going on
it's not a sign or anything.. it's just me being stupid.
But I just want to get rid of them, Please help.