
Recurring Dreams.?

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I don't have them too often now but when I was a little girl..around 7, I would have 3 dreams over and over and in every one I was being beat up, murdered, watching my family be murdered. I never watched tv growing up so it's not like I saw a bad movie. They will come back every once in awhile with some more details but they always have to do with that. Is it odd for a 7 yr old to dream her family is being shot in front of her and then herself getting beaten by a bat with a bag over her head. That dream the people killing and beating worked for the government. SO weird. I don't know where I would even get those thoughts from at 7 years old.




  1. The reason a dream repeats itself is because you haven't found the meaning behind the dream. Every dream (just about) has a moral. If you don't learn from your dreams then they have the tendency to repeat. Especially violent ones.

    It's obvious that you care about your family, that much I can tell. The fact of losing them scares you quite a bit.

    But the meaning behind this dream goes much deeper than family I think. Who is murdering you and your family? Is it a stranger or someone you know. Whoever it is it's someone you do not trust. So growing up dreaming about being murdered by a stranger is kind of normal.

    After all it teaches a moral: don't talk to strangers. Which is also something your parents said growing up.

  2. Maybe your dreams could have reflected a tragedy that happened, or maybe something already happened and then you got weird dreams about it. Mayeb you just feared those things and that fear caused you to dream about them. Sometimes dreams reflect our thoughts, but other tmes, they are just ridiculous and not going to happen. Please answer my question?
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