
Recurring bad dreams- nuclear threat/ end of the world?

by Guest59698  |  earlier

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For the past two years I have been having bad nightmares. They don't happen that frequently but at least 3 times a year.

First dream, deals with th end of the world. It always involves someone from my family and we try to escape the disaster. Somehow in our dreams we are always informed when the disaster will happen. In this dream I know that the sun will somehow explode, csusing extreme radiation and destroying thw world. I always see this huge, blazing sun but not far off in the sky but up close.

The second dream and the one I fear more involves a threat on a big city that I live in. Somehow I am always informed before the disaster strikes. In the dream I am getting prepared for the nuclear bomb by either hiding in the closet or the basement with my family. In the dream I am always stressed out because first no one listens to me and no one wants to hide. In both dreams I never see the disasters happen completely but wait for the destruction. Is it a sign or just a bad dream?




  1. Maybe  you have a form of depression, that gives you the feeling that at times in your life, things are so overwellming it feels like the world around you is dying.

    Thats how I see my life at times.

    Sorry im not more help.

  2. I had a dream about the end of the world. And part of it happened! I had a dream about the China earthquake and Myanmar tsunami two weeks before it happened. In the end of the world dream, three comets struck my hometown. When i woke up, i looked up comets, and three happened to pass the earth while I dreamt.

  3. bad dream DEE DEE DEE

    the sun wont explode, but expand to a red giant.

  4. some people think that the world is ending and they wont be able to stop it.  that all.  Your probably pretty young is all, and think that you cant control your life.  For every wack thing, theres like 19999 good things

  5. To dream of a nuclear bomb, suggests feelings of helplessness, being threatened and loss of control. You may be experiencing great hostility and rage to the point of being destructive. Alternatively, you may be expressing a desire to wipe out some aspect of yourself. It may also be an indication that something crucial and precious to you has ended and important changes are about to occur.

  6. It's a combination of both. Everyone hypothesizes about the end of the world in different ways. And many of these ideas are plausible. For example, the sun exploding will in fact happen, but not for a bajillion million trillion billion years, so you dont need to worry about that. And for a nuclear bomb to explode in your city, highly unlikely. This is because nobody wants to repeat histories mistakes. Maybe a cold war may happen but not in this lifetime i can promise you that.

    Your dreams are highly exagerrated and irrelevant to the century we are in now. These things you dream of may happen but definitely not to you or your family.


  7. It is a sign, but the question is what it is a sign of....

    I would guess there are some issues with family members arguing, fighting, or simply trying to survive. A split probably threatens at times, and your dreams are expressing that threat through an 'end of the world' scenario.

    Going to the basement means you would like to get to the foundation of the issue, but you don't feel heard. Part of you wants to steer clear because you don't feel you can change things.

    The toxic nature (nuclear/radiation) probably means that words are being used negatively with longer lasting results than anticipated.

    Use the times between nightmares to learn what qualities you love, what qualities you respect, and based on those, decide who you are going to be. You won't be able to choose who someone else is, but you can certainly learn from them who you are ~ and who you are not.

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