
Recurring dream about ghosts and levitation...?

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Every couple of nights, I have a very scary dream where I'm in a haunted room, and I'm terrified, waiting for the ghost to appear. When it comes, it manifests itself not as a visible apparition, but as a peculiar electric shock throughout my body - rather like a seizure or something, my whole body is clenched, and I feel pure terror. It's very scary.

There are always a few other people in the room (strangers) and I try and describe the "ghost" to them, but they don't take me seriously. Then I start to levitate, right up to the ceiling. I think, "well, surely they'll take me seriously now" but they haven't even noticed, nor can I get their attention!

Please - what does it mean? It's driving me nuts!

Hafwen x




  1. WOW.. okay.. this may defiantly mean that

    your doing something you shouldn't do in which.. the bad Spirit is Sin and your opening doors to a point you have a very bad demon in you to which your doing things that you thought you couldn't do. But the problem is, that it happened cause of the demonic influence... that's why you feel terror..

    Think of it as this Psychics for instance lots of them are afraid of they they can do... and they know it's evil.. thats what is happing to you in your dream.. you feel that terror from what is in you....

    the people not believing can be atheist, and others who don't care bout you and don't take you seriously..

    even when your showing the demonic practice thing (what ever you call it).. and even if they saw you do it, doesn't mean they'll believe it's demonic...REMEMBER

    even atheist enjoy Chris angel and still don't believe in demonic things and Godly things...

    i feel that your either going to do something wrong or your doing something that's going to leave you in a very bad position...

    l'll Pray for you.

  2. You are being terrorized by jinn.  Either you are a religious person, committed to your religion or you mention God little.  These jinn, may be good or bad are attacking you,  basically playing with you.  If you can moan one word while paralyzed, it will all disappear.  Say the word "Allah" meaning God in Arabic, they understand  God in any language, all this harassment will stop . Search under "jathoum"

    Scientifically, here's the deal but science cannot explain things of the spirit.

    There is a phenomenon (sleep paralysis), which dates from today, but which affects more and more people are Muslim or not, all classes of its people affected by this phenomenon, large, small, male female .

    This phenomenon known among Muslims, remains an enigma among non-Muslims, doctors and specialists who are facing a phenomenon that remain unanswered, it is true that the phenomenon is growing given the growing number of testimonies of people affected, who hesitate to do more to share with their physician, these same doctors overwhelmed by the phenomenon have no answer to administer medications.

    Scientists, after studies and research have made advances on a portion of the phenomenon, but the other party (the occult world) their remains an enigma unanswered.

    They say:

    The "sleep paralysis" is a sleep disorder which happens to fall asleep (hypnagogique state) or the alarm (state hypnopompique).  Characterised by the inability to move or speak, it is often associated with a feeling of presence and disturbing hallucinations.  The state of paralysis usually lasts a few seconds to several minutes.

    The content of hallucinations experienced in this state is variable according to the beliefs and representations on the subject.  For example, it can take the form of "alien abductions" or visions varied ( "ghost", "appearance", etc.). It is a sleep disorder relatively common: 20% of the population has been the experience , Particularly during adolescence.

    The trouble which occurs when state intermediaries between the day and sleep occurs most often during the early morning wake-up or the end of a nap during the day.  The paralysis can occur regardless of the position of the body, but it was noted that it took place most frequently when the sleeper was lying flat on his back.

    In this condition, the sleeper who wakes up feels completely paralyzed, unable to move their limbs, talk or shout.  This unpleasant state may last a few seconds to several minutes.

    The experience is often more difficult that lived in two-thirds of cases, it is accompanied by hypnagogic hallucinations visual or tactile (presence of beings or animals in the room, smothering sensation).  It is often associated with an intense feeling of horror and terror.

    Other types of hallucinations are sometimes reported: sound (crackle clicks in the head or neck, dry noises, bangs, ringtones); touch (physical contact, feeling of being fired by the feet, vibrations in the body, tremor); visual (light tasks, auras, balls of light, perception of objects in the dark); kinesthetic (feeling of floating, fall or experience outside the body).

    The most common feelings:

    • Fear

    Very current

    • Feeling a "presence" (often evil)

    • Pressure / weight on the body (especially the chest)

    • Sense of danger / death imminent

    Fairly common

    • auditory hallucinations (often breaths, not noise, voice or indistinct noises palpitation)

    • visual hallucinations such as individuals or shadows walking around the room

    Less common

    • Sensation float

    • tactile hallucinations (such as a hand touching or striking)


    • Sensation falling

    • Vibrations

    • Interaction sexual

    Sleeping in the back

    These experiences of paralysis can occur regardless of the position of the body, but they occur most frequently when the sleeper is extended flat on his back.  An intense fear is normal, but sometimes other strong emotions such as sadness or anger, occur.  Often, feeling pressure on the chest makes breathing difficult.

    The sensations of floating are often present and some people even extra-body experiences (OBE).  Some feel a presence in the room near the bed, or even in it with them.  This presence seems even diabolical.

    Sometimes the sleeper feels attacked, possibly by strangulation or suffocation.  Some even mention sexual attacks imaginary.  The hallucinations may arise under these various forms and more.

    From time to time, I wake of a deep sleep and I am totally unable to move.  I'm paralyzed and sometimes I feel as if a weight supported heavily on my chest.  I'm having trouble breathing.  Fight and I am fighting to try to move, but without any result.  Finally, I manage to stir a finger or extend the leg.  I take a good breath of air and I will again.  The paralysis disappeared.  It is a terrifying experience.  I always thought it was just leftovers from a bad nightmare.

    During a summer I had the sensation of floating or flying for paralysis.  At that time we lived in a mobile home.  A long corridor extending from the front to the back of it and I could feel sometimes gently float just below the ceiling.  At other times, I felt around the corridor from one end to another at full speed.  I was greatly stressed at the time and a month later, I was hospitalized with ulcers rare.  It is possible that stress has caused these problems during sleep.

    When I was a kid, I remember myself sometimes awakened with the same feeling of paralysis, and I also saw a lurking near my bed.  I struggled until I can move and then I started to scream.  My father came and comforted me.  He told me that I had just had a bad dream and he sat beside me and wished me the head until I rendorme.  Several times, while my father was present, I continued to see this form lurking near my bed.  I think I had a hallucination.  My mother does not bear my nonsense and claimed that I was pretending to attract attention.  This is not true!  I was really terrified. "

    The team of Dr. Maurice M.  Ohayon Research Centre Philippe Pinel in Montreal, interviewed 8 085 people aged 15 and over in Germany and Italy between 1996 and 1997.  These researchers found that 494 individuals (6.2%) have experience sleep paralysis at least once during their lives.

    This study shows that sleep paralysis concerns evenly all ages, sexes and statements civilians, and that early experiences occur both during early childhood to old age.  Two hundred people live experience more or less clear of this kind at least once a month.

    "Can not speak, not move or shake hands or breathe deeply, or even open eyelids to see."

    The sleep paralysis is often accompanied by hallucinations impressive.  The person may feel the presence of someone in the room, or even a presence rôdant around it.  At other times, it feels like a pressure on the chest, as if someone or something was perched above.

    There are even cases of sexual attacks associated with these hallucinations.  The noise of steps, doors opening and closing or voice, sometimes frightening events of sleep paralysis.  These are known as hypnagogic experiences and hypnopompiques and are the reasons why people are afraid to experiment with these episodes of sleep paralysis.

    During their research they discovered that this phenomenon with a direct link with the brain:

    They say:

    It is believed that the normal sleep paralysis is due to mechanisms in the brain stem, in particular neurons reticular, vestibular, and oculomotor, which prevent body movement, sensory block the influx and provide the prosencephalon the internal activity that characterizes brain activity during REM sleep.

    Indeed, during the REM sleep phase during which the brain is particularly active, muscles are "disconnected".  This prevents you physically strong dreams, which can be dangerous to themselves or others.

    The eyes, however, are not paralyzed by this system, and this exception has been used to show that the lucid dream was a phenomenon objectively verifiable.

    It is believed that about 25% of people will experience this at least once in their life.

    The disorder known as "sleep paralysis" occurs when the conscience is in a state of rapid eye movement and a state of alert, but where the muscle paralysis is maintained.  It can manifest itself both at the time of falling asleep (state hypnagogique) and the clock (state hypnopompique).

    The person feels awake, but can not move.  Furthermore, this state is usually accompanied by some kind of visual and auditory hallucinations specific, because awareness is halfway dreamlike state of paralysis and creates a state of tension / fear / panic.

    It is a kind of semi-enlightenment.  The person can "see" its environment, but there mix dreamlike hallucinations (the dream can be defined as a form of hallucination).  It may therefore be aware that the door of her room is really open, but it will at the same time a table in his imaginary wall.

    This condition usually lasts no more than two minutes before the person returns to a dream or wakes up completely, however, the perception of time is often distorted during sleep paralysis.

    Little is known about the physiology of arousal disorder during sleep paralysis.  However, some suggest that it could be linked to the post-synaptic inhibition of motor neurons in the Pontic region of the brain.  In particular, low levels of melatonin can stop the course of depolarization nerves, which prevents the stimulation of the muscles.

  3. dreams just reflects ur thoughts.........when u get those dreams one day u will be in a dilemma whether i will get that dream today are not.that  normally leads to the dream that day.i too experience this quite often

  4. First of all you need to realize there is no reason to be afraid of ghosts. I am a parapsychologist and communicate with ghosts in my field of research. One thing I’ve learned about ghosts is they are generally more afraid of us than we are of them. Secondly some earthbound spirits feed on fear energy and can make you more afraid of them by shocking you or doing other things that they know will boost your fear energy. It’s very important you break this cycle of feeding them, and take control of your dreams.

  5. Dude - I don't know if I'd be more creeped out by your "alone" dream or some of the people that answered your question...

    But yeah, the recurring theme I see here (at least in a literary sense) is that you are alone.  The things around you can affect you, but you are unable to affect them.  Almost like maybe you feel as though you are invested in the people and things around you, but none of them are invested in you, you know what I mean?  Smell what I'm stepping in?  

    The ghost can shock you and scare you, but you can't make it go away.

    The people can hear you and see you, but you can't make them believe you or care about your issue.

    Heck, maybe the levitating is a good thing.  Maybe you are rising above it all.  Or maybe you need to rise above it all and that's your subconscious is trying to tell you.

    Or, if you've dug up any skulls recently you may just need to go put them back.  What do I know?

  6. i had the same thing with a snake and when i woke up i couldnt breathe.but it passes dont worry

  7. It seems to me that you are afraid of being taken seriously, no matter what your accomplishments.  The electric ghost (you must be very creative)  within you are your feelings that you suppress and can't admit to.  Don't take me too seriously here I am not a psychologist.

  8. U might watching too much scary or mystery movie.. if thing getting worst u should look for professional advice.

  9. A dream like this (or any dream for that matter) really depends on you. Where you are in your life, what's happening with others around you - all of these things can play a role in your dream's true meaning.  For example, is the haunted room one that you know in real life, is the room in a place you know from real life?  What about the ghost itself?  In your dream, do you know who it is who's haunting you?  It it male or female?  Asking yourself some of these things may help you find a truer meaning.

    With that said, I'd like to state that I wouldn't completely discount wernerslave's interpertation.  Based on personal experience, I do believe it's possible for a true ghost to use dreams to cause fear.  However, assuming, you don't believe you're being haunted in real life, here are some possible interpretations to consider:  

    In the realm of dream interpretation ghosts often symbolize the past - an old memory or an old fear that haunts you or comes back to you. It could also represent guilt, fear of death, intuitive knowledge, dread of the unknown, or things you have done that you have tried to bury and forget.

    Electricity often symbolizes your emotional and/or sexual energy, which can be healing, but can also be destructive. After all, some emotions, such a violent anger, or internalised guilt or fear, aren't healing in nature.

    Levitation is often seen the same as flying.  However, I'm not sure how much typical interpretations apply here because flying is often seen as the dreamer's choice.  Based on your description, you're not being levitated by choice.  Perhaps your real-life "ghost" (or problem), whatever it may be, is causing you to feel like you're being carried towards something you'd rather avoid?

    As for the strangers refusing to belive you and ignoring you as you levitate - this sounds like you feel like those around you either can't or won't help you with your real-life problem.

    Also, the fact that it's a recurring dream could mean a few different things too.  Has it been recurring for several years, months, days?  I would say that the longer you've been having these dreams the more ingrained the real problem is in your overall life.

    Of course, that's just my take on things.  Good luck on finding something that helps you.  :-)

  10. I think I had a similar dream before.....

    : )


  11. Before we chalk it off to spiritual warfare-- I'd like you to see your doctor.  You may, like my sister, be having convulsions in your sleep.  It would feel like an electric shock.  Your subconscious mind would like to make sense of this sensation and would try to write it into a dream.

    The part where you float to the ceiling, but no one seems to notice is representative of your inability to identify what this shock problem is about. (You may be trying to tell yourself that you're having a health issue in a dream.)

    Until you can get an appointment with your doc-- (call for a well check, like an annual physical, everyone needs one) be praying before bed.

    AND take this question and repost it under the health section of Yahoo answers.  See what medically minded folks have to say about it.


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