
Recurring dream... what do you think?

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Okay, so I keep having this dream. Three people I know were in the dream Kevin (a guy friend I've known for eight years), Aly (his girlfriend, a friend of mine), and Mike (best friend, also the guy I love, he likes me back).

I was sitting inside somewhere (I think it was a bus terminus, not entirely sure though) with Kev and Aly and Mike. I was sitting with Mike on my left side, Aly on my right, and Kev sitting across the table from Aly. Kev and Aly were ignoring us, but weren't doing or saying anything to each other--just kinda staring blankly at one another. I had some lemonade, and I told Mike that I found it and gotten it for free because the machine that dispensed it was broken. We both really love lemonade in real life.

Then I told him that I was scared earlier, because we'd gotten separated during some incident (I don't remember exactly what it was, seem to recall vampires or some such nonsense being involved). And then he kissed my temple and then my cheek and was starting to continue kissing pretty much my entire face, but I told him he "didn't have to prove anything" and he stopped. But he kept his arm around me, protectively.

What are your thoughts? Mike and I have not kissed yet, and are not officially a couple. I asked here before what this dream might mean, the day after I first had it, and got some good answers, but that was 2 weeks ago and I've had the dream like six times since then. Telling me the symbolism of specific things in what I described would be very nice.




  1. Dreaming of a bus terminal would be, according to Jungian dream analysis, represents a coming change in life.

    That 3 important people are there represents you anticipate the change (perhaps a new school year, job, or move, depending on your age and what's happening in real life) could affect all 4 of you.

    Not speaking represents little; the part of the brain that formulates speech and the part responsible for dreams are different. Most people cannot read writing in dreams, many people have very limited dialogue in dreams.

    Lemonade represents possibly a few things; 1) a favored beverage, 2) you were thirsty in real life as you slept, 3) yellow represents fear or nervousness.

    The kissing and being held represent an actual attraction to Mike, and feeling safe with him. That this came after the lemonade and expressing fear it's most likely that you feel safe with him.

    Putting it all together, you possibly feel a new stage in life could disrupt your group. The nervousness this makes you feel is most likely to be resolved by cementing a relationship with Mike.

    At least that's what your brain might say. Without knowing you or Mike personally I couldn't recommend you two begin dating, but it seems your unconscious mind is leaning that way.

    I hope that helps!

  2. woah u freakign READ THAT!!!!




    but like OH MY GOD


    one last time

    theres kevin

    theres aly

    and theres mike in that dream

    and where am i?


    I used to dream of killing everyone i lvoe

    aparently it meant that i wanted more attention from them

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