
Recurring nightmares, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I am the only child, and my father and mother are very rich and influential. I keep a low profile, and have people watching me all the time, to protect me from stalkers and their kind. Recently I started having regular nightmares, and they are the same: that when I am asleep, a huge dog with the eyes like sources comes to my bed, put me on its back and carries me to some inn or a hotel, where there is a man, who looks like a retired soldier. He kisses me, and stares at me, and at the beginning of the dawn the dog carries me back. It is so vivid, I can describe the man, the dog, the rooms in details, and I tried pinching myself in my dream, and had black spots on my arms in the morning. My father called the best doctors, and they can find nothing wrong with me; my mother declared it all a "very pretty story indeed". I feel like I am going mad or something. What should I do?




  1. well, what i would do in this situation is defiantly continue seeking whatever help your getting. talking the dream out could be a good way to exhaust the memory and forget about it while you sleep. also, if you've been having this dream for a while you might just get used to it. but if you're dreaming that means that you're not in a deep sleep where you dont dream. try talking to your parents about whether sleeping pills could be a good way to help you.  before you do anything though, discuss it with your parents.

  2. dogs represent strife, contention, evil spirits.

    soldier can represent spiritual warfare.

    I would ask, how is your spiritual life?  and are you acquainted with


    it kind of looks like a demon or satan is coming at you in your sleep.


  3. Dreams are believed by some to be messages of the subconscious. Things in dreams typically symbolize other things in reality. Based on what you told me about yourself and your dream I tried to analyze your dream below. I'm only a 16 year old kid and have no training in dream interpretation so I'd recommend you see a psychiatrist or psychologist. If you're really worried about the dreams I'd say to my parents "I need some help with this. I don't feel good I really want to see a psychiatrist."

    A dog is a symbol of loyalty and protection, since in your dream he is large it seems that he represents someone who is extremely loyal and protective of you. Eyes symbolize the soul, inner wisdom, and that someone prying into your life. I think the dog is a symbol of someone who is trying to protect you but at the same time is prying into your life too much. The fact that he carries you away means that he thinks that he is helping. Now, the hotel scene stands for being waited on, cleaned up after, being taken care of, essentially feeling like a guest. The soldier also symbolizes protection but he's different from the dog, a soldier represents you're feeling protected or you feel the need to be protected. The kisses I guess means that the soldier wants you to like him, he really wants your approval. Dawn means awakening or the start of some stage in your life. I would say the soldier and the dog want to protect you until you begin your own life and at the same time they want you to like them.

    Hope I helped.

  4. Talk to someone about it. That may help!

  5. I know it may sound crazy..but if while you're dreaming you're aware of the fact that it is not reality, if you could watch it you can interfere too. Just make yourself ask the man the reason why all this happen, try ask explanations. It's not foolish,just talk to your subconscious.

  6. I believe you first of all. I think it is possible that that man is astral projecting to you taking your spirit from your body and carrying you to his home and molesting you. Astral projection is where someone is able to take their spirit from their body and basically go wherever they want to go even to a persons home. Astral projection is a common practise by occultists and persons involved in witchcraft and is also encouraged among its members. I think that perhaps the man you are seeing is very high in the occult. That dog is perhaps a spirit or demon that helps him to bring you to him. My advice therefore is to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family from all harm and danger. Pray as well asking God to break cleanse your soul, body and spirit and to break of any link that is causing this man to be able to take your spirit out of your body. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection and asking him the above (to cleanse you etc). Then you need to command every witchcraft spirit and every single evil spirit to leave you and your family alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having a problem ask a pastor to bless your home, to pray for the safety of you and your family and for his advice on the situation. Explain to the pastor about the dream you are having. If you need further information or help you can send me a message.

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