
Recurring nosebleeds in a 2 year old?

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My two year old daughter has had recurring nosebleeds for the past 18 months or longer. I have called and taken her to the peditrician many times and they kep saying it is nothing, but that is not what a mother's intuition is telling me.

She has them multiple times weekly, she does not pick her nose nor hit her nose on things, or anything else that could cause them.

She is not sick, she does not have any symptoms of allergies and it happens up to five times or more per week.

What else could it be or am I just over reacting?

Thank you.




  1. Unfortunately, I have no idea what could be causing this.  I can, however, tell you that my sister has constant nose bleeds when she was young, and she was just fine.  

    Maybe be firm with your dr. and explain that you are extremely concerned and need some input from him/her.

  2. Take her to another doctor for a second opinion.  Where do you live?  Very dry air can trigger nosebleeds, I used to have them every summer when I vacationed in Florida as a child.  Nosebleeds can also be a sign of leukemia, but don't let that scare you.  I'm sure you would know by now if that was the case, because I'm sure she has had some type of bloodwork done lately, and she isn't experiencing any other symptoms.  She may also have sinus troubles as well, and that may be her only symptom of it.

  3. -Does anyone in your family have nosebleeds? If so, she might have this from heredity, it just happens. No problem at all.

    -Does she get enough sleep at night? My brother gets his nosebleeds from heredity and also when he is just too tired. Just needs more sleep maybe, if this is it.

    Good luck, hope I helped.  

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