
Recyclable bikes?

by  |  earlier

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as i was riding my near classic, all American Harley-Davidson motorcycle (the best America has to offer) I wondered what happens to discarded crotch rockets? I know there's so many out there piling up in landfills all over this great country. i spoke with other great American bike riders and they said that they were recycled. Recycled??? who in their right mind would recycle somethng that is NOT worth anything? Then it was explained to me that they use the metal for tuna cans, rebar and doors on Hyundai's and Kia's but mostly for Honda Goldwings. I asked about the plastic,it was explained to me, they too reused them for soda bottles, milk cartons, garbage containers and plastic kayaks. I knew that they were good for something other than polluting our streets and highways!! WOW!!!! isnt recycling really great for the environment???




  1. Dude you need a hobby, or a women, or a guy, whatever works for you. You have way too much time on your hands.

  2. i expect they're also converted into butt plugs for the g*y community

    err, wait a minute, they already do that

  3. As I see you are a typical Harley rider. And I would rather have a bike that can be recycled then a Harley that gets crushed into a box and thrown into a junk yard. I'm not trying to Dis Harley but they are not worth what they are selling for. And I hate to be the one to tell you this but Harley is once again going down the tubes. People are realizing that you can get a cheaper bike for twice the horse power and doesn't have to be fixed every 5000 miles and everything doesn't cost $100.

    HD= High Dollar/ Hundred Dollar

  4. Why do I sense alot of envy?  Do you really wish you had something that ran everyday not just when it choose to or has the oil leak contaminated you water and messed with your head.  Sure HD is the best bike made in America but some us ride the best bikes in the world.  I like Honda but there are at least six manufactures that I would choose over hardly bikes.

  5. i love harleys,  only bikes to ride!!! ONLY!!!!

  6. harleys are the only bikes worth keeping, the other stuff just tries hard, but not hard enough!

  7. They go to junkyards.  Some are disassembled and sold piecemeal on Ebay, or other used parts venues.  Some are sold for scrap metal value, taken overseas, and re-smelted.
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