
Recycle HELP HELP?

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what thing's can i recycle ????????




  1. You can google your city or town name and the word recycle and a website should pop up for your area explaining what you can recycle.  If nothing shows up when you google your city and recycling you can not recycle anything because your area does not recycle.

  2. The yellow pages, under recycling, has the information for the local recycling pick-up.  Items acceptable may differ depending on where you are/who picks up the items.

  3. mostly anything. The only things that can't really be recycled are food (that can be composted) and plastic bags, wrap, and the like. These can usually be brought to supermarkets like walmart, where they can be made into new bags

  4. You can recycle anything. But take plastic bags to grocery stores please and buy a compost bin for putting your food in their please. Good Luck on keeping God's environment clean please because he made the environment for us to take care of. I honestly do pick up trash.

  5. any thing really. paper, plastic, soda cans, or you can re-use things, or not buy water bottles anymore and use reusable bottles

  6. Everything you use can be either reduced, reused or recycled. you can even recycle your glaass bottles- even your unwanted clthes! As a fact, almost everything except plastics and other things ,made from oil can be recycled

  7. Paper, cans, milk cartons, cardboard, drink bottles (the ones you buy you can use again) and many other things i'm sure.

    You can also buy recycled products which helps the environment too  =)

  8. you can recycle plastic car board glass rob-or and that's really it

  9. Here's a good site that gives you information on recycling and what can be recycled:

  10. paper, cardboard and certain kinds of glass and plastic. It should say it somewhere on the packaging (generally the bottom)
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