
Recycling, all products together ?

by  |  earlier

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so the town i live in has a recylcing program, which is great, but recently we put everything all in the same bin, aluminum, plastic and paper, and then when the truck comes it all just goes in together, i just wasn't sure when it got to wherever it is that it's going how hard it is on the "receiving" end to separate everything..

does anyone else's recycling program work like this too?




  1. My town collects in the same fashion.  The truck takes it to a sorting center.

  2. Next time you see the truck take it ask the person or better yet just call the company were it gos and ask informative questions.

  3. The recycling in my area you have to seperate everything before they take it.

  4. My town does the same thing, everything in one bin, and then it all goes to a sorting center and they sort it out there.

    I guess this way it gives people more incentive to recycle if they feel they aren't having to sort thru a ton of stuff, im sure the machines at the recycling place can sort thru the stuff pretty quickly.

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