
Recycling, do you do it? And why or why not?

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I'm a big fan of recycling. I would like to know how much of you do recycle, and what your reasons are (scientific or feel good). Or if you don't , why not?




  1. I keep cans and turn them in to get money from them.  I would hope they recycle them, otherwise I don't know why they would pay for them.  Other than that I recycle newspapers and plastic.  The only recycling program we have in our area is a big dumpster where everything is combined when you throw it in.  I really don't understand.  Maybe they just do it for show or they like sorting through all the nastiness.  I don't know.

  2. I just got done conducting a test to see how close I

    could come to ZERO WASTE in my house. It was a

    long month of March, thank heavens it's April.  I will

    post a Web-site  and a blog about my results by the

    end of April. I was surprised at how much consumer

    waste we did generate, however more than 70% of

    what I took in was recyclable. The rest has to be used

    in some way as art projects to teach kids about

      Recycling  or in my house creating recycled  Art .

  3. I don't recycle for many reasons. One it really isn't available in my area and two as a pure consumers point of view recycled products are more expensive than new ones. I like my products to be cheap. The environment will out last any human.

  4. i recycle in some way's. i hand over the household waste to persons engaged in recycling instead of disposing them of.

  5. yes i do recycling in our area.

    i separate plastics, tin cans, and biodegradable items into different containers.

    it makes me feel good since i can help the government in any way i can to prevent my are getting polluted.

    since you can get / earn extra money by recycling.

    you can sell all the plastics and tin cans you segregated to the  junk shop that buys those things.

  6. i recycle a lot of things:  plastic bottles, dry paper, cartons, tin cans, and stuff go to the junk shop (they buy it cheap but it's worth getting rid of all unneeded stuff at home);  i give away used CLEAN plastic sando bags to the wet market, i wash those that are soiled and use it as garbage bag.

    i manually shred foil packs (the ones they use in chips and curls) during my free time and while watching tv and use it to make throw pillows.  they're not as soft as cotton filled ones, but they are as cuddly.

    in the office, i sort paper whether it has print on both sides or not.  those who have one side blank are used for forms that are used inside the office (like visitor passes and trasfer forms) while those with both sides printed are shredded and sold to the junk shop.

    i use waste water from doing the laundry to water plants and flush the toilet. the soapy water is used to clean up the bathroom tiles, and the water from rinsing is used to rinse the cleaned tiles.  

    my mom conducts recycling seminars in our province, and you bet she does the seminar at home before anywhere else :-)

  7. Our family don't recycle. It is in our area we just choose not to being that it uses up our time and we don't really care about the environment....

  8. h**l YES, I RECYCLE.  What responsible person wouldn't?  

    Cans, bottles, paper products, cardboard.  All of it gets separated and recycled in my home.  Also, I try to only buy paper towels and toilet paper that are 100% recycled products.

  9. I'm not able to get things recycled as in my area there isn't any plant where things r recycled, moreover if we come across any such plant, they dont take our materials unless the materials weigh equal to some fixed no, which is very much. But to compensate, I've been making COMPOST. How's that?

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