Right now, I just recyle paper, but I want to start recycling some more things like cans or cardboard. Yesterday, I went to recycle my paper in the recycling paper bin. There are also other bins and there are lists of which you can and can't put in each bin. But I'm confused with some of the things that you can and can't put in each bin:
On the paper bin, office paper is on the "no" list. And computer and copier paper aren't on any list on the bin at all. Is office paper different from copier paper or computer paper? If is, what's the difference, because I'm used to just any white sheet of paper as computer paper or office paper.
On the CANS bin, it says on the "yes" list pet food cans can go in, but it doesnt say anything about vegetable or soup cans on the "yes" list. Niether, does it say on the "no" list vegetable and soup cans can't go in? Can the vegetable and soup cans go in at all? It doesnt say yes or no!!