
Recycling help please! :)?

by  |  earlier

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What is the raw material of newspapers?

What is the raw material of carrier bags?

Are newspapers and carrier bags renewable or non-renewable?

please help





  1. Before I can help you, I need some clarification:

    1.  Do you want to know what raw materials are used to manufacture newsprint paper?

    2.  Is a "carrier bag" the type of bag that is made of brown paper and often given out at grocery stores?

    3.  One last one...  Please define "renewable" - is it the same as "recycle-able" (meaning able to be used again in the production of the same product or another usable product)?

    I must be the stupidest person out here, but I think we might be using different lingo to mean the same thing.  

    Thanks for the clarification.  When I get it, I'll "be on the case" immediately!

    Thank you,


  2. all  new paper comes from trees, all paper is recyclable and can  added to new paper it is bleached to remove print e.t.c thus we dont have to cut down so many trees.

    if you use email which is electronic you dont have to use paper.


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