
Recycling iron...?

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Why is recycling iron a good idea?




  1. cheaper than the cost of disposal at the landfill.   instead of a stove costing $20 to get rid of you'll get paid a buck or two.

  2. Because recycling is cheaper and easier, than to start with new ore.  It also makes sense, because it reduces the amount of mining that needs to be done looking for the raw materials.  Recycling is simply melting down, and re-using the same iron.  Why make it new, if you can get it just as good used.  That's why I prefer thrift stores and yard sales.  I would rather purchase something used and still use-able, than pay the brand new price for the same item.  Why throw something that is perfectly good away, when it can be given to Goodwill, or sent off for recycling?  It's called common sense.  Something that is seriously lacking among today's youth, and our government, well... and the general population overall. lol

  3. Recycling iron may or may not be a good idea, depending on whom you believe.  If you believe people who think dumping iron in the ocean to fertilize phytoplankton growth for the sequestration of carbon in an effort to save the earth from global warming, then you probably have other ideas as to what should be done with iron rather than recycling it.  If you don't, then you probably think resources can be saved by recycling ferrous metals.  Of course, if someone spills cobalt-60 pellets that end up in recycled rebar used to construct your home or workplace, you also might not think recycling iron is a good idea.

  4. Recycling iron is a good idea as already explained by other contributors.

    Iron as scrap iron has been an essential part of steel making for many years. All we are now doing is to encourage the reuse of iron not start anything new

  5. The saving of energy isn't as great as for Aluminium.

    Basically it's only in recent times there's been such a resistance to recucling iron, during the last world war we wanted all the iron we could get, and recycled every last tin.

    The people who resist it are the ones who want to be lazy and not think about their actions.

    But... that doesn't answer your question

    There is an energy saving with recycling all metals.  Also if you bury waste metal it just sits there, it doesn't rot like waste food and wood does to form new soil.
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