
Recycling plastics for local councils?

by  |  earlier

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i understand the need to recycle paper and glass, but when it comes to plastics...

what i want to really know is, where is the money declared that the local authority makes from selling the raw materials (our waste) to recycling companies? do we get any reductions? i've never seen it quoted in official figure..




  1. Please check this 'RECYCLEBANK rewards you for recycling...' in http://savetheglobefromwarming.blogspot....

  2. Hello

    After collection and delivery for disposal it is only metals that really make the councils any money, the others mainly come in around neutral. There is still collection and disposal of black bin waste to contend with which is why there is such a focus on recycling as landfill tax is being pushed up by central government.

    I'm not sure what area you are in but we pay a pretty small amount out of tax towards waste services.

  3. Contractors bid to handle waste at recycling depots. They calculate the amount and that is deducted from what they pay for the privilege, thus councils argue, keeping costs down to benefit taxpayers. That's rubbish, of course.

    There's money to be made - a lot of money. At one recycling centre (tip) near here, the contractor parades round with his fat money-belt. He isn't able to conceal his smirk.

    The profits from waste should ALL be used to benefit the local community - we paid for it, so that's only fair.

    Plastics recycling = Catastrophic, expensive, daily mistakes world-wide!!! Appalling wastage / oversights.  Unforgivable.

    Glad you're concerned / interested. That's reassuring.

    Full details here:

    See: Chapter 9: Waste

  4. And all the goods we buy are no cheaper in recycled packaging!! We are the losers again and before long we will have to pay to recycle watch this space...

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