
Recycling waste?

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Honestly, when are the local councils going to get around to providing households with one multi-refuse compartment bin, instead an array of heaps of this and that and rats chewing at unrecycleable waste that's been left for weeks!




  1. Honestly when are you going to get round to not creating the refuse in the first place or at least dealing responsibly with what you do create. Instead of expecting someone else to be responsible for your actions and to deal with them for you!

  2. Good topical question and its an interesting debate. What do we do with the packaging we have to take if we want a product? hmm. should give you a lot of information about the governments waste recycling agencies plans are for recycling of everything in their business plan for the next 3 years - launched yesterday.  Also gives you an idea about what they are going to do about mixed plastics.

    By the way, I've read the business plan and they are not interested in one consistent collection scheme - that's up to each Local authority!! crazy.  Also, they have no preference whether a collection scheme is single sort (ie just paper) or co-mingled (say cans and paper).  That mainly depends on the Materials recycling FAcility (MRF) that they do the contract with and what they are able to sort.  Therefore we need better MRF's in the UK who can sort everything - thats the solution.  Of course we need to be using less packaging in the first place - but without a recycling system we will never be able to reuse it probably.

  3. idk, if i were you, i'd send in a letter or call them about it, and suggest that something better needs to be done!

  4. Good question! There is no reason why the councils cannot have a single large bin that has two sections one with household waist and the other for recycling.

    Unfortunately that would be to logical and probably result in a reduced revenue from fines on people who over fill there bins.


  5. Never, we're supposed to do their jobs for them so they don't have to employ people to do it.

  6. I have a bin for non-recyclable waste (which we hardly use), one for garden waste that we ALWAYS fill,  a crate for cans and glass, a sack for recycling paper and a sack for recycling cardboard.  It would have to be a HUGE bin to accommodate compartments for all of them  and would require refuse collection trucks with a huge number of compartments.  

    At  present the council collects non-recyclable waste every week (using one truck) and a selection of recycling every week (half one week and half the next), using a separate truck for garden waste and one for other recyclables.  Having a single bin would be extremely unhelpful for me and the council.

    The council do not have to sort out my rubbish because it goes in separate containers and I don't have to sort it because I never mix it up in the first place.  It works well here in mid-Essex and is easy for everyone, provided you have room for all the containers.
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