
Recylcing Plastic? It's for a presentation!?

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I procrastinated till the last minute to do a 4-H presentation on "Recycling Plastic.. What happens when its tossed in the trash and what happens when its recycled."

I need to find info on it but I can't find any website that say alot about what happens.

do you all know of any?




  1. There was an article authored by Catherine Greenman published in the New York Times on April 6, 2000.  

    Go to:

    and click on the link

    »Search the Article Archive: 1981-Present.

    enter the search terms above and you should get the text of the article.  The original was published with nice graphics about how plastics are sorted from each other.  Maybe you can get the graphics from the NY Times...

    The article name was "Recycling Sorters Ensure that Garbage In Isn't Garbage Out"

    Good Luck!


  2. Hi you might want to check out the "how its made" website, my kids do a lot of research for HW on their site!

  3. You can read about recycling plastic here:

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