To start this off, I just want to say im not by any means a tree hugger, but we do need to help the environment! OK, I live in a small Texas Town where NOBODY recycles, and I was think, it should be a law that all schools HAVE TO have recycling bins. Just think how much paper and plastic would be recycled if every school in the U.S. recycled, I am in Junior High and I know we get tons of paper-work every day. If all of that paper was recycled we could save BILLIONS of trees, also since plastic doesn't deteriorate in landfills, it would give us more room for landfills. You may not realize it but we use lots of plastic, for milk, water, ect. Also all the supplies the school get comes guessed it cardboard boxes, if we recycled those it would do wonders for the environment!! What do you think should it be a law for all schools to recycle?