
Red Bull- Reindeer Urine!?

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Is it true that it is made from bull/reindeer urine? My friend says it is, and then he drank some.




  1. Yes it is true and digusting too. The Coming Evil is right after all

  2. Red Bull contains taurine, which is made from the bile of various animals, including oxen and cattle. Bile is a digestive juice.

    Taurine is supposed to be a stimulant.

    I don't drink anything with taurine in it.

  3. No. Red Bull came from Africa. Malnourished peasants and farmers used it to keep their hearts and bodies going on little nutrients. The guy who "invented" Red Bull just went to Africa, saw the stuff, and decided to patton it.

  4. thats the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard!!!! whos job would it be to go and get the urine from the reindeer?!!!

    i really dont think it would be so popular if there was urine in it do you?

  5. Of course not.

    Everybody knows it's a mixture of sugar and old turpentine.

  6. Yup. If you ever get the chance to do it, tap a fresh Reindeer. It is the freshest Red Bull you can get and contains extra nutrients.

  7. LOLOLOLOL of course not.

  8. your friend is LIAR! i dunno

    if it is reindeer peepee then it tastes pretty darn good!

  9. Yes, It contains a mixture of Reindeer and bull urine. I prefer fresh bull urine myself.

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