
Red Bull?????????????

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I heard it is really bad for you but i LOVE it!

if I have one a week is that really bad?

sugarfree kind?

oh yeah and does the sugar free kind taste any different than the regular one?




  1. Red Bull, Gatorade all these drinks are made for people who do sports.  It helps put back elements your body requires to keep it going, or if you have done a lot of late nights.  To drink it under normal circumstance can do harm to your body by the increase number of elements you have give it.  Eventually your body will react and no one knows how each individual body will!  Some cases maybe the same others different.  Watch how much you take and definately the sugar free is the better chose.  If you get addicted seek medical advice (your Doctor or Medical Centre).  BE CAREFUL!!!

  2. I too love Red Bull.  It gives instant energy than others...

  3. I drink at least 4 cans a week... Its addictive!

    I still love it...

    The sugar-free one tastes less sweet which I like more, but the regular one is better if you are looking for that sugar rush!

  4. Hmm.. I don't know..

    I want to say you should really just stay away from energy drinks all together but that would be the pot calling the kettle black. I'm in love with the zero carb rockstar, but all the same I rarely drink them maybe 1 or 2 every 3 months?

    As far as redbull I've only had the sugar free one once and as far as I could tell it was just the same.

    Also, my cousin got fairly ill from drinking Red Bull. She passed out in the middle of school. If you're going to be drinking that stuff you need to stay active in Sports or some physical activity.

  5. red bull with no sugar tastes like flat (regular) red bull. it's pretty much the same as the difference between coke and diet coke.

    and it's bad for you if you have too much. one a week is fine. even 2 a week would be fine! my boyfriend was drinking 15 a day for a while and he was ok. just a little shaky, haha.
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