
Red Robin or Home Depot, HELP!?

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I currently work at Home Depot, making 10.97 per hour, but I've been offered a job by the local Red Robin, who even though they pay minimum wage, (8.50 per hour), With trying to calculate what I would make in tips from Red Robin eventually, I'm on the fence of which job would pay better over the course of a year if working 30 hours per week. Anybody have any suggestions? Please feel free to comment, thanks!




  1. Red robin is better in the long run.. if u make 8.50 and hour plus i guessed around 3$ tip (maybe more) you'll make 345$ a week but if u work @ home depot for 10.97  and hour and then if u work 30 hours a week then you'll make about 330$ a week so if i were u work @ red robin.. and red robin sound like a more fun job.. the food is really good!..hope i helped! and good luck!

  2. Even if you only have one table an hour at Red Robin, and they leave you a tip of three dollars you'd be making more than you could at Home Depot. Red Robin would definitely be best if you're basing your decision solely on money.

    Take in to account grouchy customers, always smelling like burgers and running around on your feet all day, though.

    If it were me, I'd definitely switch to Red Robin. The potential of high tips is pretty great.

    Good luck! =]

  3. stay at home depot

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