
Red Rock Crab boiling question?

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Ok, so I just caught my first Red Rock Crab and we boiled it for like 14 or 15 minutes when we got back when it was still alive. But when we took it out, it had all this green stuff on it's shell, so I just wanted to ask if thats Ok. I think it is, but I've never done this before and I just wanted to make sure. And also, is it Ok to boil a crab then put it in the fridge overnight? Or will that ferment the meat or something wierd like that?




  1. The green stuff on the shell is algae because you didn't not clean it before you cooked it. It's O.K.

    It is also O.K. to boil the crab and refrigerate it overnight. Just steam it the next time you want to eat it.

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