
Red Sox Fan Cheering When A-Rod Got Hit, Disgusting Or What?

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I Was At The Game Today And These a**s Red Sox Fans Started Cheering When A-Rod Got Beaned, Horrible Sportsmanship Right?

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  1. Thats it! THATS ENOUGH! Everyone stop! Time for a rant:

    ITS YANKEES REDSOX: The players hate each other....the owners hate each other.....the fans DESPISE each other....WHAT DO YOU EXPECT PEOPLE?

    Joba hit of course Arod has to get hit?

    If people dont get that yet its just mind boggling!

    Sorry JJ but i am sick of this!

  2. I think even tasteless Yankees fans would cheer if Ortiz was hit but not all of them.

    I personally liked Molina going to the pitchers mound when Pedroia fouled a ball of his leg. Very classy.

    GO Yanks.

  3. i was driving to the store when i heard the cheering on the radio. i thought it was horrible. but then again this is yankees-red sox so nothin suprises me anymore.

  4. oh, and Yankee fans are much more classy. give me a break. and I hate the Red Sox.

  5. than tell you joba to stop throwing a youk

    kitkat -oh here we go again. he said he would love to close. HE A d**n *** CLOSER WHAT DO YOU APPECT HIM TO SAY?

    "no i dont want to close"  get over it.  he said MO Was the grandfather of closer but you newyokers dont care in else its true to you.

    and yes he was threating by your own team. Of course it wasnt caught on team beause it happen when there millions of fans screaming there HEADS OFF.

  6. And yet it was clearly fine when they booed Papelbon at the All Star Game?Yankee fans are hypocrites just as much as Red sox fans are unsatisfied whiners.

  7. Number 33, Joba never hit Youk, he's knocked him down but has YET to actually hit him.

    The Yankees fans who may or may not have threaten Papels wife were wrong if it's true. Funny how there is no video or audio of such threats-just boos. Papel said he should close in NY- he only opened the door to boos.

    I would not think it would be funny if Youk got hit it, it could end his life. At this point, Joba has it on his mind not to hit him, and when you keep over thinking something, well it only makes it worse, it means he will hit him one day. Joba cannot control his fastball on an inside pitch.  

    As for the cheers, well they are pathetic drunks. I would not call them fans of baseball.

  8. Both teams have fans who would do this. Is it right? Absolutely not. I think it is very classless, but so are the fans who gave death threats to Papelbon's wife. I think every team has some fans who are very classless. It's a very terrible part of the game, but it can not be eliminated.

  9. Yep, that was terrible.  Everybody was clapping and everything.  And I thought what the Yankees fans did was bad...

    By the way, did you see my Noodle question?

  10. I bet they at least don't capitalize every word.

  11. I didn't mind it.  The Red Sox fans hate us, and we hate Red Sox fans.  They cheered when A-Rod got hit, and I'll cheer when Joba beans Youkilis again.

  12. ya bad sportsmanship but how about joba hitting youkillis??? how about threatening papelbons wife??? all unsportsman like, wat a bout when he cheapshoted pedroia and wasnt even making an attempt to slide( i kno long time ago). a rod isnt as innocent as you think im not trying to be a jerk but you have to remember this is the biggest rivalry in sports

    P.s. yankee fans would have done the same thing

    good answer Anthony

  13. That's why Red Sox fans have such a notorious reputation for being @$$holes. A bunch of drunks looking for a fight or looking to start c**p when they know that if they saw A-Rod on the street they would want his autograph. I wouldn't even go as far as calling them true fans. Most Red Sox fans nowadays are bandwagon because the Red Sox just RECENTLY won 2 world series. A true fan would be someone who loved them before they won the series. And seriouslly the "Yankees Suck!" chant has got to go. Hats off to A-Rod though who after the game responded, "No, and that's it." when he was asked if he thought the pitch was intentional.

    But then again, as everyone else has mentioned, there are classless fans. There are anti-Yankee fans and I'm an anti-Boston fan (I hate the Celtics too). They cheered when A-Rod got hit, I cheered when we stole Damon from them! And I will also cheer when Joba beans Youklis again too! LETS GO YANKEES!

  14. Disgusting?  Yes  but then again so are many other things as well, such as the men and women dying overseas in a war without end. The things we do to our fellow man is beyond my comprehension sometimes

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