
Red Sox Fans: Would the Red Sox be okay without Manny?

by Guest56710  |  earlier

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Do you think he will be traded?

And will they be fine without him?




  1. If they were to trade him for a good SS theyd be alot better.  Put Coco in LF and theres more speed in the lineup, WHILE still having Ortiz protected by Youk and Lowell.  Im a Braves fan but just my 2 cents.

  2. They would be the same Yankee wannabe whores they are now.

  3. The Red Sox are always okay in my book.

  4. Well, considering he's hit 20 home runs, Manny Ramirez is a big  power supplier.  He hits for power and average and is definitely a force in the Red Sox lineup.  I don't think he'll be traded.  Ramirez makes far too much money this year.  If they did trade him, I don't think the Red Sox will be fine.  David Ortiz is another great supplier of power, but he's coming off a wrist injury.  Ortiz and Ramirez make a great one-two punch in the lineup although there are definitely other decent hitters in the lineup.

  5. Boston would be better without him . The fans deserve better than what manny brings to the park . Any basball player would relish the chance to take his spot to play for the red sox .

  6. i have no idea if he will get traded i hope not. manny is a great hitter he would be a big loss. but i mean jacoby ellsbury would play left and hit and he is young and already a great hitter. i just dont think its the right desion and we would not be the same red sox team. i mean when someone says red sox, one of the first names that pop in your head is manny. so idk

  7. He wont get traded its to hard to trade him.

    Dont worry Manny loves boston and its fan

  8. they would still be better than the Yankees

  9. The Mets are the ONLY team I could see getting him since they have so many outfielders on the DL, spend money like drunken sailors, and are not in the AL.

    I doubt he will be traded and the Red Sox would definately miss him.

  10. No they won't be trading him because no team wants to give up alot of prospects for a 36 year old guy making $20 million and yes they would be fine without him...This should be his last season with them and they should just trade for Matt Holliday during the off season to replace him.

  11. No, they wouldn't. The conundrum that the Sox would have if they got rid of Manny, who'd replace him? The best right now that the Sox could get for him is first trade him for prospects, then trade to the Reds for Adam Dunn. Hmm... Adam Dunn or Manny... Manny, as much of a douchebag he is, is a major cog of the Sox lineup. Just wait 'til the end of the year. We'll see what happens. Theo and the rest of the Sox just have to ride the wave right now

  12. I don't think the red sox will trade manny they talked about before and had problems with him before but they never traded him even tho they said they would. He produces very well for the red sox and no I don't think they would be the same team without him saying that as we probably wouldn't have won last yr. And if they do they should just bring up Brandon Moss.

  13. This happens every few years with Manny. He doesn't talk much, but he will go off once and a while to get his frustration out. After he does that, he's fine.

    If it was going to be a problem, wouldn't it have shown last night when everything was coming out? He we 3-5, with 2 RBIs, so the Red Sox will be fine with him and there will be no on-field problems.

    And No, he will not be traded. The organization is going to finish the year with him and they will most likely not pick up his option at the end of the season and he will become a free agent.

    At this point, the Red Sox will not be fine without him though. If he isn't behind Ortiz in the line-up then Ortiz will get nothing to hit and will be walked a ton. Lowell and Drew are not consistent enough to protect Ortiz or drive in runs like Manny.

    And to the person who said, "The fans deserve better than what manny brings to the park" - They don't deserve a Hall of Famer who does nothing but produce for the team?!?!?! So he has his little blow-ups and "Manny Moments" every once in a while, but it never takes away from his level of play, and the fans are getting someone who won't compromise his on-field talents during a scuffle with the front office.

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