
Red Sox fans, this question is for you.?

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Are Red Sox fans getting worried, now that the Rays are 4.5 games ahead in the AL East, and that the Twins are tied for the Wild Card?




  1. Were from Boston and we are all on the bandwagon, but wait in about a week when Boston is out of it you won't even know we had a team!

  2. ya the red sox need to focus because u can never know whats gonna happen with the twins and know that mannys gone they need to step up but although they've been doin pretty good without him and playin good ball

  3. im a redsox fan myself and i am getting worried but i think that we will either win the division because tampa is without longoria and crawford or win the wild card because we play and pitch extremly well in the clutch but the yankees suck balls and theres no way there a threat

  4. nope - we're poised to over take the Rays.  Rays have been lucky but their finishing schedule is very tough while the Sox have many games at home

  5. I know you're asking Red Sox fans but let me put my 2 cents in.

    Any fan of a team that's in a pennant race should be, I don't want to say worried, but concerned.  There is still over a month to go.  That's a lot of games.  Anything can happen.

  6. im not too worried because they always pull ahead somewhere in the end be it the wildcard or the whole division theres still about a month left and that's plenty of games to either pad their lead in the wildcard or gain some ground in the AL East

  7. Personally, i am not the least bit worried. Sure we are tied with the Twins in the wildcard and 4.5 games back in the division. They still have plenty of time to win it all and they still spend most of their september in Boston.

  8. Im actually not that worried..they always come out on top in the end even if they dont start strong..

  9. Who cares the yankees are going to win it anyways

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