
Red Wings Fans, Can You Believe We Signed Hossa? Could This Mean Another Cup?

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Red Wings Fans, Can You Believe We Signed Hossa? Could This Mean Another Cup?




  1. I Believe It Because It Happened and Yes Its A Possiblity that There Could Be The Stanley Cup in Hockeytown in the 2008-2009 Season

    What I don't Believe is that After An Upset the Penguins took that they Decided to Come and Be on the Roster. Thats Amazing Dedication to Hockey right there!

  2. We'll repeat, don't worry.

  3. Hossa will be the Drake of the season and playoffs. Keep in mind that Matt Sundin was rumored to go to the Wings.  Hopefully Hossa can be a good player, he was a huge disappointment in the playoffs because the Wings dominated with D.  I can't wait to see HOSSA DATSUK and ZETTERBERG in one line, but im assuming Hossa will be playing with the Franzen line. Conklin was the right choice for a back up goalie. Either him or Lalime would have been my pick.

  4. No in 08-09 it'll be the devils etching there name on lord stanley

    But i do think Hossa trade and the Umberger trade to columbus was the biggest shock (2 me) at the draft

  5. You don't need another cup.


  6. well first off, im not a red wings fan but ya i can't believe they signed hossa?? & no offense you guys don't need another cup.

  7. I'm a Pens fan, and as much as I would like to see Ty Conklin come in as a back up goalie in the playoffs next year and lead the Wings to a cup, I'm not sure about the Wings. I feel the cup will blow a few heads up for this upcoming season, and too many guys will be aiming for the starlight.

  8. Lol to the idiot who said you dont need another cup... everyone wants as many cups as they can get.. dumbass. and the wings dont even need hossa for another cup. but if he performs well it will just make it even easier to get another one...

    LOL you dont need another cup.. sounds like a whining pens fan to me.. LOL!!!!!!!!! but if your not.... its still funny!!!!!!!

  9. I wonder who Lidstrom is going to hand it to first???  Hopefully Hossa!!!!!!

  10. I am a Leafs/Wings fan. I live in Toronto but have always loved the Wings and I think its amazing Detroit signed Hossa. I read some rumors that this could happen so I wasn't overly shocked though. I thought the Wings had a great chance of repeating before this because their team is staying all but in tact. Now they add an amazing player in Marian Hossa and I didn't think it was possible but their chances of winning have improved. However anything can happen...

  11. it could also mean another 1st round exit. remember those?

  12. I didn't see this one coming.  You can't say the Wings are sitting back, can you?  Good for the Wings.  Awesome hockey town.

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