
Red accent wall?

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I did a red accent wall in our living room..I have cream leather couches with stainless legs. What color accesories should I use..I have a red and cream martha stewart throw..but I don't want everything to blend in...what color would stand out.




  1. Black or navy would look good.

  2. Black and silver accessories would be a very sleek contemporary look. If you want a really POW accent color, then a medium plum would be super. Plum has some red in it to tie in with the red wall so it won't clash but it will still stand out. An even more bold choice would be a bright lavender blue. Once again, it has a little red in it but not as much as plum so it would really stand out.

    Why don't you get a small piece of fabric in the different colors you're considering and place them, one at a time, in the room to see what color you like best.

    Have fun!! : )

  3. Deep chocolate brown stands out if you don't want the severity of black.  Many picture frames and other accessories come in that deep shade of brown.
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