
Red bump in the roof of my mouth

by  |  earlier

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I have a red bump on the right,backside of my mouth and I noticed it when i was walking home. and its small and red. I'm 14 and hasn't had s*x.Can it just be a sore or a bad infection. Im scared, please help




  1. ahhhh yah i think its probably and ulser or canker sore or whatev u want to call it i ve had them on  the roof of my mouth.. umm get one of these dills that is like a brush with medicine on it it helps alot they have them at cvs wallgreens.ect.

  2. okay if you shop at "the mall in beverly hills" you should oviously not ask questions of where to get your clothes?

  3. Could be a canker sore, but I'm not sure if they happen on the roof of your mouth. If it really hurts or doesn't go away within a week, you should see a doctor.

  4. It is more than likely a canker sore? Does it hurt? I have them in my mouth right now under my tongue and on the sides of my tongue, and they sometimes look like craters in your mouth, with a white ring around it. Go to the store an buy some k****r sore medicine, that is the way it is spelled with a "K" and if it hurts it will stop the pain and eventually it will go away. Don't be scared it's nothing serious unless it is keepin gyou from eating or it is hard to open and close your motuh or something like that. Even plain salt and warm water mixed in a cup and gargled can help if you dont have money to go to the store and buy k****r. Hope this helps!

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