
Red bump on Hamster?

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My hamster Gabe has been developing a penny-sized pinkish red bump on his left side, by his rib cage. It is hard and hairless but it doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it. He eats Fiesta food with a variety of fresh veggies, fruits, and grains. Please note that Gabe was rescued when he was about 3 months old. A neighbor, who knew I liked animals, called me one day when he found a small white and brown hamster wondering his yard.

I've had Gabe for a little over a year. I've rescued other hamsters before but they didn't have problems like this. Do you think it could be something he got when he was not in my care?

Can someone tell me what this bump might be?




  1. Your hamster can get tumors both on the outside of the body and inside. They may appear somewhat fleshy, or sometimes hard, and they can grow rapidly. A vet can aspirate and analyze, and even remove external tumors. Internal tumors are not often diagnosed in time for anything to be done, and the symptoms include weight loss, signs that your hamster is in pain, and general illness. It is always important to consult a vet, as they will explain to you if the tumor is treatable and benign, or if it is malignant, and what you can do for your hamster to make him/her more comfortable, which may even include humane euthanization if your hamster is in a great deal of pain.Please take it to the Vet some vets examinate rodents for free, take him in and see what is rong


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